The Albuquerque Tribune from Albuquerque, New Mexico (2024)

Local Veteran Is Wed to Girl From France Mr. and Mrs. Paul Griego are now at home in Santa Fe following their wedding at St. Francis Church and a brief honeymoon trip to El Paso. The single-ring ceremony was performed June 14 by Fr.

Malloy. The bride, the former Miss Yvette Magnier, daughter of Mme. Matilda of France, arrived" in Brownsville, May 25 and Mr. Griego met her in El Paso. He is the son of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Griego, 1020 S. William. The couple met in Luneville, where she studied to become a dressmaker after attending school, while the groom was a member of the Army Corps serving in France. returned to the felt United States in October, 1945.

The bride, given in marriage by groom's father, wore a white satin gown trimmed with wide lace inserts. Her fingertip veil net fell from a Mary Stuart cap of illusion, trimmed with orange blossoms, which were repeated on the bodice of the gown, The bridal bouquet was a colonial arrangement of gardenias and sweetpeas with white satin streamers. Miss Grace Saavedra, cousin of the groom, was maid of honor. She wore a gown of yellow chiffon with a matching picture hat and carried a colonial, bouquet. Bridesmaids, groom, were Helen Chahin and Ramona Chavez.

Miss Chahin wore blue and Miss Chavez was dressed in pink with matching hats and colonial bouquets. Dolores Gutierrez, niece of the groom, was flowergirl. Her gown was a replica of the bride's. Tom Padilla was best man. Following the ceremony, the bridal couple greeted guests at a reception at the home of the groom's parents.

Mr. Griego, a graduate of Bernalillo High and Albuquerque Business College, is employed in the State Revenue office in. Santa Fe. Floor Show Feature of Squires Dance Featuring a large "all teenagers" floor show, the Columbian Squires will sponsor the St. Mary's Canteen dance tonight from 8 to 12.

Joy Chappell, Sally Bryce, Marjorie Scott, Stewart Scott, Dolores Fabrizio, Maudine Grimes, Nancy Madox, Vickie Freed, Ruth Patchell and Connie Baca, students from the Poulsen dance studio, will appear, accompanied by Ann Bushman. Also featured during the 8 to 9 show will be Dolores Miller, accompanied by Nancy Coleman, and Sammy Fresquez, accompanied by. Barbara. McIntyre. Anthony and Myra Ann Manton will play piano solos.

There will be a trumpet solo by Edwin Gignac. Second floor show, to given intermission will be "All Squire" show. Marion Fabrizio will play his accordion. The "Squire Wonder Boys," Martin Bing Grady, Robert Palladino, Vigil and Harry Rouckus will sing. Theodore Ahr, ex-chief squire, will do magic tricks a and Bing Grady will sing, accompanied by Marion Fabrizio.

Chaperones will be Messrs and Mmes. Angelo. Fabrizio, John Cervantes, William and Arias, Tony ArConty, Tan Orio George not. Angelo Fabrizio, one of the counselors, will be in charge of the dance assisted by the social committee. Members are Marion Fabrizio, chief squire; Bill Arias, Franklin Conty, Arthur Pino, Ross McCallister, Paul Roney, Pete Dominenici, Edward Sprunger, Robert Mader, Henry Montano and Sammie Fresquez.

Addresses Broadcast The addresses of the Most Rev. Edwin Vincent Byrne, archbishop of Santa Fe, and Maj. Gen. Charles H. Corlett before the Knights of Columbus at the Hilton tonight will be broadcast.

by Station KOAT. will be on the air from 9:15 to 10. Alamogordo Man Dies ALAMOGORDO, June 28 (AP)R. L. Cochrane, business man here for many years, died yesterday at the home of a daughter, Mrs.

Bernard Love, at Lovington. He was 71. The funeral is being held here today. Professors Are Feted At Wernette Home Dr. and Mrs.

J. Philip Wernette were hosts their campus home last night at an informal party honoring visiting summer professors at the University. Dr. and Mrs. Wernette greeted their guests at the door and introductions were made by Dr.

and Mrs. Thomas C. Donnelly, and Mrs. G. Sorrell, Dr.

and Vernon. Ward Fenley: Also assisting was Dr. Wernette's mother. Mrs. J.

I. Wernette of Glendale. Guests, whose teaching fields are as widely separated as their domiciles, included Dr. Ralph Boggs, University of North Carolina, Spanish; Dr. and Mrs.

Frederick, Leonard, Wesley UCLA, Gewehr, met- Maryland, history; Dr- Randall Stewart, University of Tennessee, English; Dr. and Mrs. Sophus K. Winther, University of Washington, English; Dr. and Mrs.

John Ise. Kansas, economics; Dr. and Mrs. Bonner Crawford, Michigan, education and extension; Miss Mabel Major, Texas Christian, English; Dr. and Mrs.

John Lembach, Pennsylvania State Teachers. education. Richard Strahlem, Miami, business education; Dr. and Mrs: Iram Young, Harris Teachers College, education; Dr. and Mrs.

John Suttle, Portland, chemistry; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Krenek, Hamline, University, sic; Dr. and Mrs. Charles L.

Caldwell, University of Oklahoma, education: Miss Jane Harris, University of Texas, women's physical education. Unable to attend were Dr. Raymond Stites, Antioch College, art; Dr. Ramon Martinez-Lopez, University of Texas, Spanish; and Howard Cook, Taos, art. Dr.

and Mrs. Lembach were winners in a tion game, which was played after refreshments of ice cake and coffee, were served. Group singing, ended with "Oh Fair New Mexico," was another part of the entertainment. County Has 785 Students At With summer registration at the University closed, Dr. Daryle Keefer, director of admissions, reports that a breakdown shows a total of 1664 students in regular attendance.

Of these, 785 are from Bernalillo county, 302 other counties in the state, frond 455 from other states in the Union. foreign nations are represented. By colleges, the registrants are divided as follows: Education 217, graduate school 324, fine arts 68, engineering 280. pharmacy 44, arts and sciences 521, and general college 110. Texas leads the out-of-state list with 46.

Of the total, 1119 are men and 445 are women. Lease Is Authorized WASHINGTON, June 28 The government now has formal authorization to negotiate an agreement. the Navajo Inlease on helium gas deposits underlying their New Mexico reservation acreage. President Truman signed permissive legislation yesterday. Guard Camp Set WASHINGTON, June 28 Three hundred New Mexico National Guardsmen will receive 15 days' Army training next Aug.

17-31 at Fort Bliss, Tex. who have suffered greatly and who would come with gratitude in their hearts and with a deter mination to make good in their new homeland. E. R. THE HAMMOND ORGAN Music of Cathedral Quality for Your ChurchREGARDLESS OF ITS SIZE! Now on View at MAYS MUSIC Co.Inc.

514 West Central TASTE THE DIFFERENCE Gold PROTECTED Valley' ALOUSUC.QUO DAIRY PRODUCTS Start today with richer, purer Golden Jersey Milk Preferred for Grade-A Goodness by Everyone Jun pt to to AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE- -OR CALL. 4553 FOR HOME DELIVERY Gloria Smith Becomes Bride Of W. F. Coombs A double-ring ceremony at St. Paul's Lutheran Church last night at 7:30 united Miss Gloria Nadine Smith, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Julian B. Smith, Guadalupe Trail, and Wilbur F. Coombs. son of Mr.

and Mrs. M. T. Coombs. 416 Isleta Highway.

Rev. Leeland C. Soker, pastor, performed the ceremony in the presence of members of the immediate, families. bride wore a frock of white eyelet embroidery with a matching hat and navy accessories. Boer corsage was an orchid.

Mrs: Sands. sister of the groom, who was matron of honor. wore a similar dress of orchid eyelet embroidery with a matching hat. Mr. Sands was best A reception for the immediate families was held at the Smith home following the service and the couple then left for a week's wedding trip to Denver.

They will return to make their home here. The groom is employed at the A Dental Laboratory and the bride plans to continue her position at the Albuquerque National Bank. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. P.

J. Coleman of Los. Angeles, aunt, and uncle of the groom. Coombs was feted with several bridal parties this wee' Evelyn Cochran, Ruth Grant, and Katherine Christensen entertained with a miscellaneous shower at the Christensen home. 1008 Tennessee.

Mrs. E. R. Murphy, sister of the bride. was hostess for a shower Tuesday night at the Smith home.

The honoree's co-workers at the bank were guests. Mrs. Sands entertained at the Coombs home Wednesday night. Mrs. Salat Is Party Hostess Mrs.

R. M. Attmore, the former Carrie Anne Elkin, was honored at an informal garden party given yesterday by Mrs. Emil Salat at her home, 232 Candelaria. Mrs.

Attmore, now a chemistry professor at Hofstra College in Hempstead, L. is here for a brief visit after spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo W. of Los Alamos: Most of the guests were members of Town Club during their years at the University.

Mrs. Attmore received her degree in chemistry at the University in 1943, after which she worked six months at Los Alamos. Mr. Attmore is a business administration student at Hofstra. Guests included Mmes.

Francis W. Lindsey, en route from San Francisco to Denver, August Seis John Southwick, Anthony Vasilakis, Paul MacWil- liams. James Hubbard, Kenneth DeVore, G. T. Harris, C.

M- Abernathy. Lawrence Capes, Leonard Small. James Clark, Francis C. Denton, and Miss Peggy Starrett. Mrs.

John Caton was unable to attend. Church Notes First Church of Christ, Scientist Wednesday, 8 p. testimony meeting. Saint John's Episcopal Sunday, 9:45 a. Junior Church.

Tuesday, 2:30 p. St. Margaret's Guild with Mrs. Harry Hust, 1008 W. Gold.

Immanuel Evangelical Sunday, 9:30 a 2:30 annual Mission Rally services Luncheon at noon. Monte Vista Christian Monday, 7:30 p. Boy Scout Troop 3 at Bethany Hall. Tuesday, 9:30 a. Brownie Troop 54 at Bethany Hall.

First Baptist Sunday, 6 p. Training Union executive committee; 6:45 p. Training Union; p. fellowship hour Monday, 7:30 p. Training Union officers' council.

Tuesday, 7:30 p. Sunday School superintendents' cabinet. Wednesday, 6:30 p. officers council and supper; 7:50 p. prayer meeting.

Thursday, 2:30 p. WMU meeting; 7:30 p. choir rehearsal Central Avenue Methodist Sunday, 6 p. senior and college Methodist Youth Fellowship. Monday, Boy Scout leaders meeting.

Tuesday, 2:30 Good Samaritan Class with Mrs. J. Sampson, 813 rd. Wednesday, 7:30 p. Boy DavidScouts.

Thursday, 7:30 adult choir practic Saturday, 10:30 a.m., junior choir practice. First Methodist Sunday, 5:30 p. Jason Lee Club Wesley House; M. P. Club at Scout Cabin; 6:30 p.

youth choir at church. Tuesday, 7:30 p. Boy Scouts at Wesley House. Wednesday, 9:30 a. Nob Hill Circle Mrs.

Beckner, 1017 W. Gold; 6 p. Beta Marthas picnic at Roosevelt Park; 7:30 Asbury Club at Wesley House. Thursday, 9:30 North Circle picnic with Mrs. L.

Willcut, 447 Concord; 7:45 p. choir practice. First Christian Sunday, 3:30 p. young people meet at church to go to Girls' Welfare Home; 7 p. Christian Endeavor meeting.

Wednesday, 8 p. midweek prayer service, choir practice. Thursday, church women's calling day. First Presbyterian Sunday, 6 p. University Forum meeting at H.

Wackerbarth home, 436 N. Aliso; Senior High Group meets at Hiram Cudabac home, 611 N. Spruce. Wednesday, 7:30 p. first of caravan prayer services at Presbyterian Sanatorium.

Thursday, 7:30 p. adult choir rehearsal. Friday, 10 a. University Forum meets at church for picnic in Jemez Mountains. Builder Sees No Drop In Prices Most prospective home purchasers here are on "a strike" waiting for prices to come down but he can't see any reduction for some time, B.

O. Shepherd, realtor and builder, said today. materials short," Mr. arbomin construction Shepherd said. "Pipe, doors.

flooring and windows are still hard to get." Shepherd said that labor costs in all phase of, the construction business have increased He estimated that building costs have gone up two to three per cent in the last 90 days. THE ALBUQUERQUE TRIBUNE June 28, 1947 This And That 99 LOUISE DEAN MILLER of her young daughter, Margaret, came this Margaret, who's seven, mornineto Virginia to visit relatives for the summer and since it was impossible for Mrs. Harvey to gO with her, the latter had to find some adult to accompany the little girl. Margaret matudent trip with a University returning home for the summer. "She had an exciting trip," Mrs.

Harvey reports, "and to sit in the pilot's cabin, which I'd love to do." A note from Mrs. J. V. Harvey the successful trip east reporting The informal co*cktail dance July 5 Southwestern Golf Tournament entrants and their wives will open this months schedule of activities at the Country Club. Mrs.

H. L. Galles, and Mrs. J. D.

Stanley are to be hostesses for the ladies' day coffee July 0 the monthly stag dinner is July 11. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Judy and Mr. and Mrs.

O. E. Holmes are to be hosts for the mixed two-ball foursome and buffet supper July 20 and the ladies' luncheon July 23 will have as hostesses Mrs. Victor Sanders and Mrs. Jethro Vaught, Jr.

The formal dinner dance is set for July 26 with Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Nissen and Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Dryer as hosts. Today and Monday might well be designated as "Albuquerqueans Bound for Europe" days in New York. Three local people are sailing today on the Ernie Pyle and four are leaving Monday on the S. S.

Marine Falcon. Tours were arranged by the Ewald-Fuller agency. The trio on the Pyle includes Nancy Robbin and Mary Stephenson, off for a three-months tour of and England, and Russell Porter, bound for Paris and a reunion with his father, a lawyer. Nancy and Mary plan to "dock at Southhampton, England, and will visit Ireland, Scotland, France, Spain and a number of other countries. They will return October 16 by air.

Russell, who was a University student this year, has held three different citizenships French, English (he was member of the RAF), and American--although his parents are American. Sailing Monday for Havre are four other former University students, Joseph Patricio Ryan, Irving and Horowitz. and George Alan Lasky. They plan to spend the next two years studying at the Institut auf dem Rosenberg in St. Gallen, Switzerland, near Zurich.

Then they will settle in Europe. Six ensigns, who received their commissions at Annapolis June 006 will gather in Albuquerque today for a weekend together before leaving tomorrow for their various stations in California. Ens. Harold A. Smith, son of Dr.

and Mrs. Merrick A. V. Smith, 1709 Las Lomas, and his house guest, Ens. Charles Rockcastle of Chicago, go to San Diego, where Harold will join his ship, the U.

S. S. Rendova. Ens. Troy E.

Stone, son of Mrs. Vae Stone, 316 S. Terrace, and his guest, Ens. Dale Carlson, also of Chicago, are headed for San Pedro, together with another classmate, Ens. John McAdams of Texas.

Troy and John are assigned to the U. S. S. Springfield. Ens.

George Parrish, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Parrish, of Hot Springs, formerly of Albuquerque, is due in San Francisco to board the U.S. S. Boxer.

Bill Mauldin, Santa Fe Girl Wed Yesterday HARRISON, N. June Bill Mauldin, the cartoonist, and Miss Natalie Evans, daughter of Mrs. Edward Rossin of Santa Fe and New York, were married yesterday. Mauldin Is the grandson of W. H.

Mauldin of La Luz, Otero county, New Mexico, pioneer, A brother, Sidney, lives at Mountain Park, N. M. The bride is the granddaughter of Mrs. Alice Corbin Henderson of Santa Fe. Water Supply Improved Users in the area west of the river served by the Lavaland Water now are getting more adequate water supplies due to the installation of an additional pump, E.

H. Sloan, firm president, said today. FLOWERS When you have a special sage of love send a box of exquisite flowers. They can ex press your feelings far better than any of your words might. BARI FLORAL DISTINCTIVE FLOWERS NINE GIFTS 7910 E.

CENTRAL AVE. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.. Breakfast, Camp Planned By Local Church Members Members and friends of the First Congregational Church will have a fellowship breakfast at the church tomorrow at 10 a. m. Following the meal, there will be a worship service about the tables with the pastor, Rev.

Clarence E. Parr, speaking on "Realizing Life." Morning prayer services at St. John's Cathedral will be broad11 over KOAT. Dean casualty Clarke will deliver the sermon and the choir, directed by Joseph W. Grant, will sing "By the Waters of Babylon." Southwest Christian Service camp will open Monday for an eight-day session.

The camp, an annual affair of the Christian churches, will, be attended by members of to 19 years from Christ's Church, Christian and First Christian Church. Groups are also coming from Tucumcari, Lovington, Hobbs. Portales, Clovis, Amarillo and Dodge City, Kan. The conference is held at the Presbyterian Camp in the Sandias. Mr.

and Mrs. Archie Topping, Jr. Archie Toppings On Trip After Wedding Here Mr. and Mrs. Archie Topping, are on their wedding trip now before going on to Santa Ana, where they will make their home.

The couple were married Saturday at 8:30 m. in a double-ring ceremony at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E.

Gribble, Rt. 5. Rev. G. L.

Edie, pastor of the Evangelical United Brethern Church, performed the ceremony; The bride, the former Cloria Mae Gribble, wore white lacy streetlength dress and white hat. Her corsage was of red roses. Maid of honor was Miss Elaine Gaines, who wore a green suit with contrasting accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The groom, son of Archie Topping, of Walsenburg. had his brother, William Topping, also of Walsenburg, as best man.

Following the ceremony, the 75 wedding guests were served pieces of the three-tiered wedding cake, which the bridal couple cut. and punch. The bride. a graduate of Albuquerque High, attended the University. She is a member of Job's Daughters and prominent in women's bowling activities here.

Mr. Topping is a graduate of Walsenburg High. His father and two brothers were here for the wedding. Club Members Plan Ladies Night, Debate Wives and other guests have been invited to attend the meeting of the Albuquerque Toastmasters Club Tuesday at 7:30 p. at the Alvarado, according to Rex Borough, president.

A formal the TaftHartley law will be a feature of the evening. Toastmaster will be George W. McKim with Harris Burke, Jim Tadlock, Paul Goodrich and Leon King speaker. Club members are planning a family picnic July 15. Gardeners to Meet Mrs.

L. Garduno, 1608 Los Alamos, will be hostess to the Dirt Gardeners Monday at 3 p. m. 20-30 Convention LAS VEGAS, June 28 (UP)The mid-summer district convention of the 20-30 International opened here today. Delegates were arriving from Artesia, Carlsbad, Gallup, Roswell, Hobbs Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Belen, Tucumcari, Las Cruces and Demiing.

Today's program was filled with registration, a luncheon and a fellowship meeting in nearby Gallinas Canyon. -Gunion Photo Mrs. Paul Griego My Day By Eleanor Roosevelt HYDE PARK, Friday- The more I read of floods and homeless people and the tremendous losses in cash and crops, the more I wonder whether any one remembers that once upon a time we had in the government a special group, the National Resources Board, whose job was to study our national resources and to make recommendations for conservation and development. Had they been allowed to continue to function, this board could have helped the regular conservation agencies of the government to prevent much of this loss. With all these floods in the middle west, tons of good topsoil is washed away, leaving our farmers poorer and our future less bright.

We have held up the proposal for a Missouri Valley Authority, supposedly because we do not want to spend the money. If you add up all that we have lost in floods in the past five years, I think it would reach a sum of money which would have been enough to start a Missouri Valley Authority and to start the necessary work for flood control on many of the streams leading into the Mississippi river. The states that have been benefited by the Tennessee Valley Authority are proof enough that such a project brings in good revenues and improves the life of the people over a large area. It can't be pleasant to make up and find yourself surrounded 1 by water and to have your house and belongings badly damaged, as well as seeing the fields or the streets around you flooded and knowing of the loss this means to your neighborhood. Our delay on such a program as the proposed Missouri Valley Authority shows our short-sightedness, for it would add greatly to our national wealth and the I cost would be amortized in a very short time.

The papers yesterday carried a story giving another evidence of short-sightedness. This was that General Federation of Women's Clubs, at their convention in New York, defeated a resolution to endorse the Stratton bill which proposes that we should allow 400,000 displaced persons from Europe to come into this country in the next few years. Under this bill, we would receive people af various nationalities and religions, highly, educated people like doctors lawyers, as well as skilled workers and farm laborers- all of them people An old Indian remedy, podophyllin from May -apple or American mandrake, may become an anti-cancer weapon; experimentally it has already killed cancers in mice. America's BULOVA' AMERICAN GIRL DOE 17 $5250 jewels Don't Give Up Your Bonds. Pay only $1.00 Week Your EVERITT'S )I NEW MEXICO'S OLDEST LARGEST JEWELEREN Located at 2nd and Central In Pay Less Drug Store "REDDYBOX" Convenience.

ALL AROUND YOUR HOME! 5 PLUG 'M God REDDY KILOWATT Your Electric Servant TRADE MARK REG. U.S. PAL OFE Reddy Kilowatt says: "To get full benefit from all the help I can give you, just give me plenty of Reddyboxes all around the house so I can spring out to do your work anyplace, anytime." Public Service Company of New Mexico.

The Albuquerque Tribune from Albuquerque, New Mexico (2024)


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